Saturday, March 15, 2008

Grandpa Makes it Snow Again!

A few days after Christmas we went up to see Grandpa. Being California, we just can't count on snow even at the higher elevations. Dad said there was no snow. I told Delaney on the way up there, Grandpa won't have any snow and we will drive up the mountain to play in it.

Well, what do you know? Just below grandpa's house I see snow on the ground. I see fresh flakes on the trees.....we turn up Dad's road and it is white. When we got to the house, there's Grandpa standing on the deck as snow flakes drift from the sky! We got of the car and Delaney says...."You did it again Pamp-pa!" Yep, Grandpa can make it snow! He has gone and made it snow like clockwork every Dec 26th of Delaney's life! Grandpa's can make it snow when it is really, really important that it needs to!

Last year, (that's my niece and Little Missy in 2006), my niece was besides herself to wake up to a good six inches of the white magic. Grandpa took credit, of course. That's a good job for him!

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